By Judy Mc Sween
As I drove, I was conscious that the temperature in the car was increasing. My freshly made-up face had begun to glow. I was positive that the temperature in the car was on par with the temperature outside. “God,” I called, “you know that I am on my way to a meeting. Ladies can glow, but at this rate, I will be sweating!”
And then in the silence, that still small voice said. “Head to Ford Service Centre”. My response was “Really? I am on my way to a meeting. Besides, TSTT says to call first”. And again the voice gently responded “Head to the Service Centre”. The centre was, in fact, not too far away, so I diverted off Wrightson Road, onto the Avenue. As I hit Victoria Square, the car alert sounded. You know the one that warns you that something is open, or something is malfunctioning. I looked at my dashboard to discover that my engine temperature had exceeded what the gauge could even measure! I arrived “safely” at the Service Centre. I was fortunate they said. Had I been on the highway or elsewhere, I would have needed a new engine. Because I heeded that still small voice, all that was required was a belt replacement.
I think that if each of us were to reflect, we could recall experiences when, like Elijah, we heard that still small voice, that guided us to safety or planted us in the right direction, or perhaps we ignored it, with subsequent regret. God is always available to speak with us. Unfortunately, we are not always available to listen.
Adults and children alike, comment that they have little or no quiet time. It’s work, school, social and sporting activities, phone calls and instant messages. Meal times are spent continuing to catch up on social media postings. Perhaps we pop into a church service on the weekend, meet a neighbour we have not seen in a while and spend time catching up, before, during and after Mass. Our minds are filled with thoughts of past experiences and the possibilities of things to come.
We quickly enter intimate relationships, make critical family and professional decisions, speak harmful words and as the “haste turns to waste” and we begin to reflect, we identify all the alarms that went off as the still small voice attempted to penetrate our consciousness. Hmmm, so when do we pause to hear this still small voice?
What if we were to create holy moments to listen and connect to the in-dwelling spirit? What words of wisdom and guidance might we hear?
What if like Mary, Joseph and Elijah, we were to say ‘Yes’ and comply with the guidance received?
What if we surrender our ego’s need to control, its innate desire to defend, and act from our higher self?
God speaks to us in many ways. Let us intentionally make ourselves available and lend a listening ear.
Till we meet again, it’s Judy Joseph Mc Sween, Time Out Specialist, encouraging you to take a Time Out to connect with that still small voice!