At the start of this new year, BOMA-TT would like to share our plans for 2021 – promote the Billings Ovulation Method®, teach it, live it, gain more support for it!
What is so great about this Method? It was developed because of our Church’s teachings and traditions on Human Sexuality to protect loving relationships in our hearts and homes.
Using this Method “the married couple rightly use a faculty provided them by nature” Humanae Vitae, 16. This Method is also a “way of life” that brings humanity back to ethical medicine. The Church is not anti-science and works hand in hand with scientists to achieve responsible medicine.
To explain the latter, let us look at ovulation. Dr Caroline Terrenoir of WOOMB France noted it is “a normal ovulatory activity during the reproductive period of a woman’s life and can be considered as a sign of good health, as it implies a satisfactory activity of the endocrine and ovarian systems.”
In plain Trini parlance, that simply means “that when a ripe egg shoots out of a woman’s ovary regularly, it is a good thing for her body!” The Billings Ovulation Method® (BOM) works with the beauty of the female reproductive system which is well-ordered. It works without the use of drugs or devices because the Method is used to plan families and/or monitor reproductive health.
When that process of ovulation is dysfunctional, it is usually due to hormonal problems.
Dr Terrenoir noted in a November 2020 WOOMB International Bulletin that hormonal issues can come from varying locations in the female body including the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid gland, adrenal gland, ovaries, or metabolism. “Ovulatory dysfunction can thus be an early symptom of serious disease.”
Whilst research has begun into treating these ailments without the use of hormones, more research is desired. The BOM can however still be used in the case of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and other reproductive illnesses.
Cassie Moriarty of Natural Womanhood noted that “Menstrual cycles affect immune system maturation, bone health, heart, and blood pressure regulation. Estrogen generates plasticity in the brain and improves cognitive function while progesterone regulates glial cells and promotes mood stabilization.”
Hence working with the natural reproductive system has obvious benefits for the user of Natural Fertility Regulation or the BOM. “It’s well documented that the pill (and any of its relations, including the patch, the vaginal ring, the implant, the shot, and the hormonal IUD) comes with an increased risk of depression and mood disorders.”
Even without “foreign” hormones being put into a woman’s body, she reassured women around the world “your thoughts and feelings are very much tied to your hormones!”
The times when women naturally feel more attracted to the opposite sex, the times when women naturally become more irritable can be spelled out for women to understand themselves better, and yes, even for men to understand women better!
In 2021, we at BOMA-TT plan to continue our online and in-person teaching of the BOM one-on-one with clients for family planning and/or monitoring of reproductive health.
We plan to host more teacher training which is available to health-care professionals and another version to lay-people wanting to understand the science behind the Method better and/or to become teachers.
For any reader interested, our teacher training process takes a maximum of three years for one to become an accredited teacher.
Our monthly webinars and articles will continue God-willing. We are a ministry of the Archdiocesan Family Life Commission (AFLC) and plan to continue our support of their initiatives in promoting holy and holistic human sexuality.
We are also affiliated to WOOMB International of Australia and are regularly updated with the science and theology in support of the Method. We plan to regularly update our teachers this year through online workshops.
Our ‘Is Love Forever?’ programme where the importance of the virtue of chastity is emphasised will be offered to youth and young adult groups/classes. Practicing chastity is the launch pad of using the BOM for the right reasons and gives young women time to learn about their bodies and young men to learn respect for young women’s bodies.
Hopefully, this year more initiatives for parents to teach their children about their bodies will ensue. Happy 2021 everyone!
Contact BOMA-TT: 384-1659,
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