The quality of the thanksgiving creates the destiny of the child.
Luke 2: 22-40
I am just reminding you, that when you were born too, earth stood still, planets aligned and the stars shone brightest. The universe paused and welcomed you. The angels overreached themselves to catch a glimpse of you, the new creation.
I can still hear the chipping of slippered-feet on the asphalt that stopped when the panmen cut the music. Serano, the baseman, cussed and knocked for silence. Then in a quiet moment he heard that a boy-child was born to the seamstress who sewed their shirts and her husband whose yard housed their pan-shed. He changed the song to the J’Ouvert bomb ‘mine eyes have sent the glory’.
Remember the day, the time, what the angels sang and the welcoming remarks of the prophet, and know that the quality of the thanksgiving creates the destiny of the child. These astonishing remarks help us to develop a priceless sense of our own acceptability. Our birthstory, as told by own parents and amplified by ourselves as we grow, gives meaning and purpose to our lives.