By J’lane Perriera
‘Something’s missing in my life’. How many of us say this to ourselves, to friends or family. You
are not quite sure what it is but you feel the deep sense of emptiness or loss. You have these random
feelings of despair that you need to shake off. So, this time you have decided you want to do
something about it, asking yourself pertinent questions. ‘Do I need a job change?’ But you tell
yourself that you can’t just quit your job, as you have responsibilities, our economy has been
devastated by this COVID-19 pandemic and jobs are far more difficult to access. Perhaps you need
a project, a companion or maybe no companion. Without coming to sufficient answers to these
questions, you still have a hole in your being that needs to be filled.
‘Something’s missing in my life’ is every woman’s cry for wanting to find her purpose. Ticking
off items on a ‘to do’ list does not make you feel any better, since that list keeps getting longer and
longer. But I want you to consider a few other things in searching for the answer that you are yet
to receive.
As with anything we want to achieve in life, we must make consistent efforts and
practise good habits. Set aside a few hours for rest daily, sleep in when you can and when you
wake remember your dreams before getting off the bed. Exercise and eat healthily because you
want your body to feel amazing. Allow yourself time to meditate by simply sitting and closing
your eyes or taking a long bath, so that you may find silence in your mind.Improve your mood by acknowledging your blessings, love openly and freely, and laugh
intensely. Volunteer your time or help someone in need which will activate your goodness centre.
Finally, the strongest part of these consistent habits is to let go and let God. Even Jesus needed
time away from work to recharge His batteries and spend time with our heavenly Father. We can
find joy and purpose in God’s presence and He has blessed us with this powerful gift of direct
communication with Him through prayer. When we reach out to Him by faith and ask Him to
touch our lives, and guide us to our purpose, God answers in a powerful way. Freedom, lightness
and joy will permeate your soul you will have the clarity you desire.