As parents, should we differentiate between St Nick and Santa?
December 18, 2020
Monday December 21st: Jesus always propels us into action
December 19, 2020

Sunday December 20th: Hail, O Favored One, the Lord Is with You!

The new era of salvation begins with the conception and birth of Jesus

Luke 1:26-38

Does the proclamation of the Gospel message fill you with joy and hope? When the Lord comes to redeem his people he fills us with his Holy Spirit, the source of our joy and hope in the promises of God When God made a covenant with David as King over Israel he made a promise to David and to his descendants that David’s dynasty would endure forever through the coming of the Messiah King (2 Samuel 7:16). This King would establish an everlasting kingdom of peace and security for his people. We often think of peace as the absence of trouble. The peace which the Messiah brings cancels the debt of sin and restores our broken relationship with God our heavenly Father.