Sunday December 20th: Hail, O Favored One, the Lord Is with You!
December 19, 2020
Christmas 2020 for a Catholic Olympian
December 21, 2020

Monday December 21st: Jesus always propels us into action

Mary got up at once and went to Elizabeth.

Luke 1:39 – 45

Today’s Gospel is truly a Gospel of faith; faith with action.  Prayer without good work is empty and good work without prayer is also empty.  Prayer and action must go hand in hand.  Mary shows us this in this visitation Gospel.

Mary took Jesus who was growing inside of her to visit Elizabeth who was in need of help.  The baby in Elizabeth’s womb jumped for joy because he had encountered Jesus.  Our prayers must always include listening to the Lord who will always send us to someone to bring Christ to them.

Let us Pray. Jesus as we prepare for your coming to us this Christmas, we also celebrate your coming over 2000 years ago and await your second coming. May I we visit others with your presence in us helping us to take you to all those we come to serve.  Amen.