-Fr Kizito Ameloko VC
During this season of the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of us have been affected in various ways. And from the many thoughts arising in our minds, many people throughout the world, including many of us in our dear country, hold that the pandemic may be a punishment from God on our world, as a result of the many sins of humanity in the recent time. Maybe it is true, who knows?
But as we think that way, we must also realise that the character of God is not one who punishes. God is a merciful God; He does not count our sins against us.
We know that we all are sinners. If the Lord is a punishing God, where would have been our lives now? As the Psalmist says, “If you O Lord should mark our guilt, Lord, who will survive?” (Ps 130:3).
What often makes us think the way we do, is because we often take God to be a human being. But as Hosea 11:8–9 reminds us, God is God and not man; He will not forsake us, His compassion grows warm and tender, He will not execute His burning anger and come in wrath against us. Which means that He is always merciful, loving, and compassionate. And of course, in Jesus Christ, He has taken away our punishment (Rom 3:23–27) and He continues to be patient with us.
But even as the COVID-19 situation reminds us of our own individual sins, dear friends, it is a time of great opportunity for us to take advantage of the Lord’s patience, to turn to Him and be forgiven of our sins, as we continue to trust in His infinite mercy to heal our world.