Talk to the poor, encounter Christ, experience conversion
November 15, 2020
Catholic youth to engage the poor and be the Body of Christ in society.
November 17, 2020

November 16th: Who is really blind?

“The people walking in front rebuked him, telling him to be silent…

Luke 18: 35-43

Some people believed He might be the Messiah, some were impressed by his preaching and his teachings and some were there for the miracles, but the multitude had this in common: they were followers of Jesus. Therefore when someone who did not belong to their ‘group’ tried to get Jesus’ attention, they rebuked him.

Sometimes there can be similarities in their actions and ours. We get so wrapped up in our ministry in church that we don’t have any time for the ‘outsider’. Like the crowd we sometimes forget that Jesus died for ALL of us, and that there is much rejoicing in heaven over one repentant sinner. (Luke 15:10).

Jesus is never too busy to look out for those in need of love, mercy, compassion and healing, In fact he ordered that the blind man be brought to him. Are we too ‘blinded’ by our duties to realize that we can be the ‘miracle’ for others who may need to see and experience God’s unconditional love?

Lord help me in my blindness…please let me see.