November 9th: Due respect
November 9, 2020
At the heart of discipleship
November 10, 2020

November 10th: Proudly Wear the Crown of Servanthood

“There is no shame in serving others,…for in doing so we imitate Christ the King.”

Luke 17: 7-10

“There can be no greater gift than that of giving one’s time and energy to help others without expecting anything in return.” These wise words spoken by Nelson Mandela seem to me to be the embodiment of the Gospel reading today. The parable of the servant merely doing his duty in serving the master, wants to teach that our life must be characterized by an attitude of service.
The way of Jesus suggests that serving others is a privilege in itself and no earthly reward is necessary. The challenge arises when we confuse service with servitude, servanthood with slavery. If we believe serving is demeaning and refuse this aspect of Christian living, then we will never know the full peace of Christ.
There is no shame in serving others, in giving generously and lovingly of our time, our talent and our treasure, for in doing so we imitate Christ the King.
Oh Jesus, meek and humble of heart, help me live my life in humble service in imitation of you. You are a servant; make me one too.