“Look! The bridegroom! Go out and meet him!”
Matthew 25:1-13
So keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour. But by far the greatest pain is to be told that ‘I do not know you!’ How disconcerting it is to hear those words; when you have spent your whole life attempting to know the Lord.
But did He know you? How do I get Him to know me? Is this different from learning His name, His ways, His commands, all the catechism and receiving Him in the Eucharist?
Ah, I recall: when my son was born I felt He noticed me; then once when I stood up for a colleague who was being taunted in the workplace, and again when I used to carry Sunday lunches on my bike to the home for the aged as a teenager, I felt His eyes on me bringing me joy. But those were occasional glimpses, certainly not enough to be recognised when I come knocking with my no-oil lamp. Ah little more oil in my lamp keep it burning to greet the midnight hour.