A children’s story, a tribute to father
November 5, 2020
November 8th: A little more oil
November 8, 2020

November 7th: Who or what possesses us?

Anything that competes with God in our lives has the ability to oust Him from His position of supremacy and so hurt our relationship.

Luke 16: 9-15

It could be as simple or as complicated as we make it, this Love relationship that we often profess to have with God. In today’s Gospel passage Jesus reminds us that anything that competes with God in our lives has the ability to oust Him from His position of supremacy and so hurt our relationship.

Viewing “The Servant of Two Masters”, an Italian slapstick comedy, would have been hilarious for me had it not mirrored our futile and pathetic attempts, at times, to straddle both worlds. Competing interests often seem practical, doable and make a whole lot of sense initially. They can be rationalized up to the point when we find ourselves stretched, and ultimately making the decision, sometimes unconsciously, to choose one over the other. Unfortunately, God often ends up with the rough end of the stick.

Lord Jesus, your admonition, “You CANNOT serve two masters” echoes the message expressed throughout Sacred Scripture in so many different ways. Help us to heed it and be singleminded, putting our relationship with you first. Amen