Followers of Jesus must always be ready to make the necessary changes in attitudes and lifestyles so as not to diminish their relationship with God or lose their place in the kingdom.
Luke 16: 1 – 8.
The steward’s reputation was questionable because his dealings with his master’s debtors seemed dishonest, yet Jesus praised him for his astuteness.
Astute means to assess situations and people and turn things to one’s advantage. The steward certainly assessed his place in his master’s house and acted quickly so that his life could continue in a way that was satisfactory to him. The implication is that Christians must be astute in their faith life.
Followers of Jesus must always be ready to make the necessary changes in attitudes and lifestyles so as not to diminish their relationship with God or lose their place in the kingdom. The moment we recognise that moral and spiritual change is needed we must be astute enough to act on and follow through with it.
Being astute means acting on the insights we get either through the Holy Spirit, from others or from life’s experiences. It would be foolish to admit the need for change yet do nothing.