Consider him the veritable Saul to Paul through marriage and the Eucharistic feast.
Luke 15:1-10
Many years ago, I dreamt my friend (now husband) and I were walking up Frederick Street and I saw a cloud with a ladder coming down from the cloud to the street. I ascended the ladder into the cloud to see the Blessed Virgin Mary sitting on a throne. She motioned no without speaking and pointed to my friend/husband.
I realized, somewhat hurt that she was calling him and not me! Mary was not rejecting me but wanted a relationship with my husband; I already had one with her. Our journey to marriage led him to a relationship with God through Our Lady. He is now able to eat at the Eucharistic meal which has transformed him and clothed him with new garments. Consider him the veritable Saul to Paul through marriage and the Eucharistic meal.
Lord, while we work out our salvation on our journey back to You, help us to recognize the many ways we can be an instrument of conversion for those who still do not know You.