“Make people come in.”
Luke 14:15-24
Have you ever invited people to a function and they turned up with what older people will say ‘a whole string band with them’?
Today’s Gospel passage seems to be the opposite. People are invited to the feast but made a lot of excuses why they could not attend. So, what the Master of the house did? He sent his servants out to invite who normally would not get an invitation.
The servants were mandated not merely to go out but to “make people come in”. This is indeed a strong instruction as the master was disappointed in those whom he originally selected.
What is therefore the parable? The Great Feast has to do with God’s invitation to all baptized to enter the kingdom of heaven, by living a life worthy of eternal life. So often we flounder and fall short of His Glory. He is saying reach out and evangelize for all are invited to the Great Feast.
Lord help us to accept your invitation but also reach out to make people come in.