November 1st: Feast of All Saints
November 1, 2020
Don’t aim for Purgatory, the goal is Heaven
November 2, 2020

November 2nd: Gone but not forgotten

“Come to me… will find rest for your souls.”

Matthew 11: 25-30

Death, in general, will always be shrouded in mystery; and the death of a loved one, in particular, often leaves pain, emptiness, a sense of unknowing. I can testify having agonizing hours as a child, seeking answers to ‘why?’ and ‘where to?’ on occasions.
Later, understanding the richness of the interconnectedness of the Church Triumphant, Militant and Suffering, (The Communion of Saints), demystified death somewhat, and brought some measure of comfort.
Today, All Souls’ Day, when we remember and pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, the invitation to, and the promise of rest in our Gospel passage offers even more comfort. Yoked to Christ, moving in unison with him and his teachings, we will find rest for our souls, now and hereafter.
This holds true for all the Church – Triumphant, already at rest in heavenly glory; Militant, here on earth working out our salvation; Suffering, whose release hinges on our prayers and Spiritual Works of Mercy.
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace, Amen.