“Time in prayer can help us discern”
Luke 6:12-19
Today’s gospel highlights the centrality of prayer in the life of Jesus. Any big event in Jesus’ life was preceded by prayer, so too it should be for us. Time in prayer is joining in the prayer of Christ which can help us discern what is best and most loving in our lives.
Jesus’ way of life can be summarized as prayer, choosing his disciples, preaching and healing. In my weakness and many limitations, I ask for freedom and wisdom to achieve such a balance.
When we bring our petitions and decisions to prayer, we don’t get easy answers but we widen the context in which we make the most important decisions of our lives. Prayer often gives us an opportunity to put those decisions into the context of love of God.
Lord, I come to you in this time of prayer to take your touch. Let me hear again your call to me. Let me sense your power at work in and through me.