A baptism of suffering
Luke 12:49-53
Jesus is passionate about His Mission to build the Kingdom of His Father. His heart was set on the work He came to do.
“I have a baptism”…. That baptism is one of suffering, division, wounds, agony and death. Yet he did not let it deter him from what he had to accomplish.
His zeal to advance the kingdom and to bring about his Father’s glory was foremost because it provided for us eternal life.
It opened the door of eternal life for us.
His mission opens the door of the Holy Spirit to come live in us and direct us to the mission of Christ to “Go make disciples of the nations”.
It brings division that connects us to His suffering, yet he teaches us forgiveness and peace that drives us to lay down our lives so that His Kingdom will come. He leads us to discipleship: the call to live for Him just as He lives for the Father.