By Juliana Valdez
I grew up hearing the phrase, ‘God works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform’. With the onset of adulthood, I was not only made aware of the truth of it, but was able to reflect on situations around me and in my personal life and recognise not only the meaning, but just how much of a reality the sentiments expressed in this quotation are.
The documentary on Trinity TV sharing the story of the how the Living Water Community came into being is an example of how Almighty God chooses, calls and equips those whom He has set apart for ministry, ‘in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform’.
As the story unfolded, the actions of Rhonda Maingot and Rose Jackman epitomised the words of the psalm which encourages us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.”
Trust, in God and His promises therefore, was essential in assisting these ladies to persevere as they sought to do His will.
As they continued to be open and receptive to what God was asking of them, they were obedient to the guidance of Almighty God through the Holy Spirit as they stepped out in faith.
With their trust, obedience and faith, they were used by God to establish a community which serves as a sanctuary for many, both here and abroad. Their myriad programmes, as tools of evangelisation, continue to inspire and motivate the faithful to increase our faith, drawing closer to Almighty God and allowing His will to be done in our lives, His wonders to perform! That is the mission God wanted them to embark on.
We are currently observing Mission Month, when we are being encouraged to do some introspection in order to determine what God is asking of us. In these uncertain times of this global pandemic, the morale, faith and determination of people seem to be taking a severe toll, so much so that there seems to be an unwillingness to reach out, to share and be of service to others. I have even heard it said that “self- preservation is the name of the game!”.
But the fact of the matter is, if everyone were to take this stand, what will happen to our society?
We are reminded that God has a plan and a purpose for everyone, and while ours may not be the same as that of the founders of the Living Water Community, we each need to seek God’s guidance as to what we are called to do, the mission of which He wants us to be practitioners.
From the Gospel of St Matthew, 25:31–46, Jesus outlines the mission we are all called to and this is reiterated in our Church’s magisterium as the spiritual and corporal works of mercy.
Jesus’ instruction points us to the fact that we are responsible for each other, we need to be of service to each other, to lead others to God, letting our lives be the kinds of examples He desires us to be.
Our mission, as the Archbishop reminds us, extends far and wide; in our domestic families, our communities, our workplaces, our churches.
And so faith in God, trust in His guidance, and obedience to His commands are the things we need to pray for as we seek to live, allowing His will to be done in our lives.
Our mission must be Christ-centred knowing that it is all for the honour and glory of God.
Challenged with remote learning? Make emotional connection a priority
October 20, 2020From Shame to Redemption
October 20, 2020His wonders to perform
By Juliana Valdez
I grew up hearing the phrase, ‘God works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform’. With the onset of adulthood, I was not only made aware of the truth of it, but was able to reflect on situations around me and in my personal life and recognise not only the meaning, but just how much of a reality the sentiments expressed in this quotation are.
The documentary on Trinity TV sharing the story of the how the Living Water Community came into being is an example of how Almighty God chooses, calls and equips those whom He has set apart for ministry, ‘in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform’.
As the story unfolded, the actions of Rhonda Maingot and Rose Jackman epitomised the words of the psalm which encourages us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.”
Trust, in God and His promises therefore, was essential in assisting these ladies to persevere as they sought to do His will.
As they continued to be open and receptive to what God was asking of them, they were obedient to the guidance of Almighty God through the Holy Spirit as they stepped out in faith.
With their trust, obedience and faith, they were used by God to establish a community which serves as a sanctuary for many, both here and abroad. Their myriad programmes, as tools of evangelisation, continue to inspire and motivate the faithful to increase our faith, drawing closer to Almighty God and allowing His will to be done in our lives, His wonders to perform! That is the mission God wanted them to embark on.
We are currently observing Mission Month, when we are being encouraged to do some introspection in order to determine what God is asking of us. In these uncertain times of this global pandemic, the morale, faith and determination of people seem to be taking a severe toll, so much so that there seems to be an unwillingness to reach out, to share and be of service to others. I have even heard it said that “self- preservation is the name of the game!”.
But the fact of the matter is, if everyone were to take this stand, what will happen to our society?
We are reminded that God has a plan and a purpose for everyone, and while ours may not be the same as that of the founders of the Living Water Community, we each need to seek God’s guidance as to what we are called to do, the mission of which He wants us to be practitioners.
From the Gospel of St Matthew, 25:31–46, Jesus outlines the mission we are all called to and this is reiterated in our Church’s magisterium as the spiritual and corporal works of mercy.
Jesus’ instruction points us to the fact that we are responsible for each other, we need to be of service to each other, to lead others to God, letting our lives be the kinds of examples He desires us to be.
Our mission, as the Archbishop reminds us, extends far and wide; in our domestic families, our communities, our workplaces, our churches.
And so faith in God, trust in His guidance, and obedience to His commands are the things we need to pray for as we seek to live, allowing His will to be done in our lives.
Our mission must be Christ-centred knowing that it is all for the honour and glory of God.
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