Surinamese politician Ivan Fernald recently presented Bishop Karel Choennie of Paramaribo a copy of his latest book We have to change course.
An AEC Communications report said that the title immediately clarifies what needs to be done within the current educational system in Suriname.
The book’s subtitle action plans for better education, makes it “clear that this is not only a theoretical framework, but that concrete action plans are offered to do things differently in our educational system”.
The claims in Fernald’s book are substantiated by data, which has been “carefully processed” in graphs.
During the presentation, Fernald, who is a member of the Diocese’s school board of Roman Catholic education, said that without Catholic schools, Suriname would not be able to guarantee education throughout the country.
Catholic schools, he said, have the special task of contributing to teaching values. “Without inspired teachers and educators who are aware of a shared vision and mission, the technological possibilities will not bear fruit. Ultimately, what matters is that we are driven by love to change course,” Fernald said, according to the report.
The report said that recent innovations in the educational system are being scrutinised: the Academic Teacher Training Program; the Institute for Economic Administrative Secondary Education (IMEAO) New Style where Fernald served as director; The New Teacher; the Lower Professional Education (LBO); and the re-sit rules of senior general secondary education.
The writer also addresses the phenomenon of large-scale tutoring and early school leavers. He makes a passionate plea for better education in the interior.
“Suriname must realise that a global transformation is taking place, partly as a result of the stormy technological developments. This has consequences for education, and this imposes new competence requirements on the teacher,” Fernald said.