Archbishop Patrick Pinder of Nassau has issued a notice to priests, deacons and all the faithful of New Providence and Abaco on changes to the liturgical schedule (including weddings and funerals) in accordance with Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis’ announcement of a weekday curfew being reintroduced from 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. beginning October 13.
An October 7 article on the announcement reported that as of October 6, there were a total of 4,632 cases of which 1,961 remain active. New Providence continues to lead cases with 3,468 and Abaco had 157 infections.
According to the release, Sunday Masses are now permitted between 7 a.m. and 1 p.m. “They must be of no more than one-hour duration. They should follow, strictly, all the existing safety protocols. Parishes with a 6.30 a.m. Sunday Mass, please adjust your schedule in accordance with this regulation,” the notice said.
The liturgical changes went into effect at 7 p.m., October 9 and will remain in effect “until further notice”.
The release stated that due to the daily curfew now beginning at 7 p.m., Saturday evening Masses are suspended until further notice. Parish weekday Masses however are permitted with “strict observance” of all the safety protocols already in place, “must be practiced”.
Weddings, the release highlighted, are only permitted to have ten persons participating in addition to the officiant. Wedding receptions are not permitted.
Funerals must take place only at the graveside with ten persons in addition to the officiant and undertakers in attendance.
“Funerals are not permitted during the Saturday and Sunday weekend lockdowns,” the release said.
Archbishop Pinder has asked that each parish maintain its current Sunday Mass schedule and only add an additional Mass if attendance warrants it.