Don’t ‘pong’: Speak words of kindness
October 2, 2020
October 5th: My Good Samaritan
October 5, 2020

October 4th: His Way…not our ways.

Trust, kindness and generosity were met with rebellion, ingratitude and greed.

Matthew 21: 33-43

Few Gospel passages reveal with such clarity
how far removed are our ‘ways’ from the ‘Way’ of our Lord,
and His unceasing efforts to bring us back from darkness
to walk again in His wonderful light.
Placing His entire trust in the children of Israel,
He left His vineyard entirely in their hands.
Yet they rebelled against their Lord and Master.
Denying His authority, they refused to repay their debt.
Further still, they abused His servants and crucified His Son.
Trust, kindness and generosity were met
with rebellion, ingratitude and greed.
Isaiah’s deeply moving ‘Song of the Vineyard’ (1st R),
tells the story of God’s children and of our world.
Blind to his acts of kindness, indifferent to his love,
deaf to the voices of messengers sent to call us back,
we make our weary way ignoring the hand
leading us from sadness to joy and hope, from judgement to promise,
from darkness to light.
But above all, it is the Story of a God who never denies His promise,
whose light is always shining brightly to show us THE WAY.