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September 29, 2020
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September 29, 2020

Women, let’s talk Perimenopause

BOMA-TT hosted an insightful discussion online on the topic of perimenopause on September 10. Many women are not fully aware of what this phase in life is or when it comes about, yet this period of a woman’s life can have multiple effects on her life.

The ‘Woman Talk: What is Perimenopause?’ online session began with videos from the Archdiocesan Family Life Commission (AFLC) on the Rite of Christian Relationship in the domestic Church. BOMA-TT Coordinator Pauline Phelps then honoured the Trinidad and Tobago Psychologists’ Association’s call for lighting a candle at 8 p.m. in commemoration of World Suicide Prevention Day.  She provided an overview of what perimenopause is and concluded with a feature guest.

We were very fortunate to have had a live discussion with Dr Monique Ruberu, Obstetrician/Gynaecologist from the USA, who willingly addressed this topic and the questions that came after her talk.

Dr Ruberu, who visited Trinidad in the past for a Medical School rotation, encouraged those present to learn the Billings Ovulation Method in order to understand their body and not be shocked by this life-stage which most women experience in varying degrees of intensity and for varying lengths of time.

She also gave some quick and simple advice on diet changes that can make the world of difference to those experiencing from some of the signs of perimenopause.

A participant submitted the following article: I recently attended a workshop on perimenopause that was hosted by the AFLC. Excellent presentations were made by Pauline Phelps and Dr Monique Ruberu.

I am truly grateful that I had the opportunity to attend this webinar as I was previously unfamiliar with the concept of perimenopause; the challenges that were characteristic of this natural process of ageing; and its relevance for me at 41 years of age.

This webinar gave me significant insight into my reproductive health. I have always menstruated for eight days, with a heavy flow on most of those days.

A couple years ago, I started to feel extremely fatigued around my period and recently experienced fluctuations in my cycle. The fatigue became more pronounced as I got older, so I went to the doctor to assess for anaemia.

I was referred to do many blood tests which have not yet revealed the cause for the fatigue.

During the webinar, I learnt that fatigue is a symptom of perimenopause. Dr Ruberu systematically and expertly addressed the health questions that were posed by participants.

I realised that I became anaemic when I menstruated and that the timing in which the blood tests were done can impact upon the results. I learnt that I have to give my body what it needs, especially during menstruation and received practical solutions to help me to feel better.

I also noted that paying close attention to my ovulation cycle will facilitate accurate diagnoses regarding my reproductive health.

I am thankful to those who organised and presented at this webinar. I highly recommend that women learn (more) about perimenopause and the natural ways in which symptoms can be alleviated.

The Zoom session was recorded and is available on the BOMA-TT YouTube Channel.