September 27th: The Darkest Hour
September 27, 2020
Answering contemporary challenges with Kingdom of God values
September 28, 2020

September 28th: God’s Greatness

“Whoever welcomes this child in my name welcomes me..”

Luke 9:46-50

Repeatedly, Jesus tries to get his disciples to see that they are called to serve, not to dominate. In God’s eyes everyone is equal: there are no positions of power, no hierarchy. Everyone is a child of God, and fully loved by Him.
Our Lord takes the opportunity to point out, through the example of a child, that greatness is never found in gaining power, but in conforming one’s life to that of His.
What makes us great? Is it power, wealth, skills, beauty, or giftedness of one kind or another? In the Kingdom of God greatness is judged by one’s capacity to serve others. Therefore, it is those who serve who turn out to be the greatest!

Have there been times when we have found ourselves entertaining thoughts that were contrary to the message of Jesus? Lord we ask that you help us to see when this happens and to give us the power to reject such thoughts.