Our God never tires of searching far and wide even at the latest hour.
Matthew 20: 1-16
At the end of each day
our reward is justly measured by work we have done.
Today’s Gospel tells of another measure, another justice,
and for our life’s labor, another reward,
weighed in the heart of a merciful God.
Our God never tires of searching far and wide even at the latest hour,
among the forgotten, abandoned and weak,
among those who have given-up hope.
And written in gold above a door opened wide
Where he patiently awaits, are the words:
‘You too, come into my vineyard’.
In a world where effort and achievement often go separate ways,
where those who fail are ignored and soon forgotten;
where those at the head of the line hardly glance at those behind,
we celebrate Our God who has eyes for all.
Nearest to Him are those the world has left behind.
There He stands at the golden gate,
waiting patiently to welcome ALL after their life’s journey,
with a love the world cannot give, a justice born only of His love,
and life everlasting in the Kingdom of His Love.