Church must be life-giving presence in the world – Bishop at Chrism Mass
September 8, 2020
24th Sunday in OT (A)
September 8, 2020

September ordination now in November


The ordination to the priesthood of Rev Francis Xavier Savarimuthu has been pushed back to November 21. It was originally scheduled to take place in September. However, owing to the coronavirus restrictions it has been postponed to November “when it is hoped the virus restrictions will be sufficiently eased for a congregation to attend”, Catholic Standard said.

Deacon Francis continues to do pastoral work and is stationed at Brickdam presbytery.

The diocesan weekly mentioned that Rev Francis Savarimuthu came to Guyana in 2014 from India, the country of his birth. In 2015, he applied to join the Diocese of Georgetown and was sent later that year to Linden for a year-long pastoral experience.

As is required in pursuit of a vocation to the priesthood, in 2016 he was sent to study theology at the Seminary of St John Vianney and the Ugandan Martyrs at Mt St Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago.

“He counts on your continued daily prayer lifting him up to God as he journeys towards his priesthood,” Standard said.