Desperately needed now more than ever is His example of unconditional love and mercy, inclusivity, care and concern for the other.
Luke 4:31-37
More than an itinerant preacher, a good orator with fanciful philosophies or skillful magician, Jesus, his humanity and divinity at work, made his mark upon the world.
We are told in today’s Gospel passage which follows Jesus’ rejection by the people of his hometown, that he went into the synagogue in Capernaum and taught with authority. The people were astounded by his teaching. Even the evil spirit which he cast out recognized him for who he is. Jesus’ words do not only have authority. He is the authoritative Word of God!
Not recognizing who he is, we often underestimate, sideline, totally ignore or even like his home folks, reject Jesus outright by our attitude, and our choices and decisions in life. Desperately needed now more than ever is His example of unconditional love and mercy, inclusivity, care and concern for the other. During this pandemic and times of disharmony and racial conflict in our country and in the world, let us move to cast out the existing evils that threaten us.