“Anyone who wants to save his life will lose it; anyone who loses his life for my sake will find it.”
Matthew 16: 21-27
“Heaven preserve you, Lord!”
Peter’s first words after Jesus announced his crucifixion.
Like Peter, we too turn to heaven for protection and guidance
when confronted by pain and suffering;
when ‘God’s way’ and ‘our way’ seem far apart.
But Jesus stubbornly insists, ‘this is the way, THE ONLY WAY’,
as He continues His journey to Jerusalem
bowed under the burden of life’s heavy cross.
Today as ever, we have difficulty accepting suffering and loss,
pain and death as signs of God’s favor;
signs of “blessings” from above.
But Jesus insists: “anyone who wants to save his life will lose it;
anyone who loses his life for my sake will find it.”
In Peter’s words “Heaven preserve you, Lord”
We hear the cry of hope in a world journeying helplessly
under the weight of life’s many crosses:
Hope that another path awaits when we lay our crosses down;
Hope from above where none remains here below;
Hope in the promise of Another Life
to All who choose the Way of Jesus as THE ONY WAY.