Theology, simply put, is the study of God in Christ and of God’s relationship with human beings and the world.
If you believe with your heart and soul and mind and strength that God is your Creator and Redeemer, why would you not want to know Him?
“The heart of the intelligent acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge” (Prov 18:15). God Himself wants us to know Him: “God our saviour… wills everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of truth”
(1 Tim 2:3–4).
So, how about studying Theology with us at ‘The Mount’? We offer courses of interest to any who is seeking to further their knowledge of God and His Will, and who wishes to be involved in the Church’s ministry as servant-leaders.
Our various Theology courses are listed under five areas/categories: Biblical Studies, Historical Studies, Theological and Ethical Studies, Religious and Philosophical Studies and Pastoral Studies.
The programme, which is certified by The University of West Indies, leads to a Licentiate in Theology and a Bachelor of Arts in Theology, and is GATE approved.
Apart from studying for a diploma or a degree, you can register for any course of your choice (House or Audit course). To do a House course means that you have to attend lectures, submit course work and write exams; auditing a course means that you do not have to do any of these, but have to attend lecturers, have access to learning materials and the lecturer, and participate in class discussions.
House and Audit courses are not GATE approved.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic more and more tertiary institutions are turning to virtual classes. The Seminary is moving in the same direction. Going virtual will not lower our educational standard but will provide opportunities for those who cannot attend classes three hours per week between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. from Monday to Friday.
Online classes include live lectures, video recordings for students unable to attend day classes, and probably a mix of both. Blended learning (integration of online learning and face-to-face activities) is not ruled out.
The new Academic Year 2020/21 begins in September 2020, hence registration is ongoing. Some courses that you can expect for the semester are: Introduction to Christian Worship, Introduction to Philosophy, The Latter Prophets, Christian Social Ethics and Women’s Movement and Theology and many more.
You can contact Fr Dr Arnold Francis, Dean of Studies or Patricia Ablack, Secretary to the Dean by calling 662-4983/662-6787 or via email or, between the hours of 8 a.m.–noon, Monday to Friday to make an appointment.
You are required to walk with copies and originals of your birth certificate (new electronic), identification card, educational background (CXC passes, other certificates/diplomas/degrees).
Mature students, while they may not have attained the formal education requirements, can demonstrate through either their profession/vocational training, or relevant experience, or a mixture of both that they can reasonably be expected to cope with theological studies.
“Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.” Studying Theology should be a priority for every serious disciple. The Seminary seeks to provide just what every disciple needs to go forward with God. This is a winning and life-giving proposal. Join us.
—Written by Staff of the Academic Block
Reasons why you should study Theology:
(Jn 8:31–32)