As good stewards of our wealth, we parents, teachers and people in authority have to learn the art of ‘letting go’
Matthew 19:23-30
During the early days of the ‘lockdown’ I spent some time cleaning and de cluttering. I was amazed at the amount of stuff I collect over time; there were bags to be thrown out and some to give away and I Know I still don’t need all that I kept.
In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus says, “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.” We are all in that category of ‘rich’ because God has blessed us with many gifts and talents. We are called to use them and to do so wisely.
As good stewards of our wealth, we parents, teachers and people in authority have to learn the art of ‘letting go’. If those in our charge are to become the people they are called to be, we must allow them to assume responsibility. We have to learn how to detach ourselves from accumulated goods and from our own independence especially as we grow old. This passage calls us to humility as we manage our riches.