XIR182600 Christ and the Canaanite Woman, 1783-84 (oil on canvas) by Drouais, Jean-Germain (1763-1788); 114x146 cm; Louvre, Paris, France; (add.info.: Le Christ et la Cananeenne; pleading for him to heal her sick daughter; the disciples told him not to as she was not an Israelite; scene from the Gospel of St. Matthew;); Giraudon; French, out of copyright
It was the emptying of herself that allowed the grace of the Holy Spirit to fill her with Faith.
Mathew 15:21-28
I imagine the woman would have made many decisions that would have landed her and her daughter in this desperate situation, yet these events brought faith and salvation to their lives.
Jesus did not attend to her request immediately but allowed her to persist in her pleadings. Perhaps she felt hopeless by His lack of response, but perhaps her persistence and public humiliation atoned for the consequences of her actions. It was the emptying of herself that allowed the grace of the Holy Spirit to fill her with Faith.
Yet those around her also benefitted from her situation. Jesus demonstrated compassion and charity combatting the self-righteousness of those that looked upon her with derision.
O Lord, who can ever grasp the wondrousness of Your mystical Body-Holy Mother Church; that we all benefit from each other’s struggles and blessings through which salvation is gifted.