Human Trafficking Awareness  Training Workshop
July 29, 2020
Ministry, education interest groups discuss schools’ reopening measures
July 30, 2020

July 30th: Love beyond measure

It is not the frightening prospect of weeping and grinding of teeth on that final shore that should influence life’s choices.

Matthew 13: 47-52

The dragnet hauled in, will we be prepared for this time of reckoning on the shore when good fish is gathered in the basket and the useless discarded? To be unprepared is to have missed, in Matthew 13, the recurring theme of the Grace and Mercy of a God so deeply enamored of us that He wants us to spend eternity with Him.

We see God extravagant in His love, sowing wherever He wills; a God of inclusion permitting wheat and darnel to grow together; and a God of chances allowing us to ‘sell everything’ and return to acquire the treasure of great value that is the kingdom.

It is not the frightening prospect of weeping and grinding of teeth on that final shore that should influence life’s choices, but the love of God who, over and over, goes all out to make us kingdom people. May our response to His unbounded love and mercy be timely, so that we can spend eternity with Him!

Save us from ourselves, Lord.