The Archdiocesan Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) team has advised parishes that more persons can be allowed in churches to participate in Masses and Services.
“Based on the national statistics and also based on the fact that the vast majority of our parishes have complied with the Protocols issued by the Ministry of Health and the Archdiocesan HSE Team, our churches can utilise up to 75% of their capacity, with effect from Saturday, July 4, 2020.”
In the notice issued July 1 ahead of last weekend’s liturgies, the HSE team took the opportunity to remind parishes of COVID-19 protocols that should already be in place, such as: “sanitising hands either with soap and water or hand sanitiser, immediately before entering the church”; all persons in the church “must use a mask that covers the nose and mouth”; “physical distancing must be observed, including when queuing for Holy Communion”; “only the priest is allowed to consume the Precious Blood”; “the priest must not greet the congregation at the end of Mass”, and parishioners should not congregate before or after the Mass. For more information, visit