“Come to me all you who labour and are over- burdened.”
Matthew 11: 25 – 30.
Jesus thanked the Father for hiding ‘these things’ from the learned and the clever and revealing them to mere children.‘These things’ refer to the mysteries of the kingdom, which in turn is about love and life.
The Heart of Jesus, does not hide the love and life of the Father from anyone. In fact, he says that anyone who comes to him who is in need of love and life will find soothing rest.
Jesus’ heart loves and gives life to the burdened and those who are labouring. If ‘burden’ and ‘labouring’ describe you today, then turn to Jesus whose heart always wants to comfort and soothe.
The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus reminds us of how much God loves us and wants to open himself to each one. God does not hide from us. We should not hide from him. It also reminds us that we will not find true rest anywhere or in anything save in Jesus.