As this day is very special for the whole Church and because it celebrates our identity and empowerment as a people, we should always find ways to celebrate this appropriately. These are some suggestions for family celebrations as a good Catholic practice.
Items needed
2. Meal
As with Christmas and Easter, a very special meal should be prepared in which everyone can participate in its preparation. A bottle of red wine even if nonalcoholic can be used as well. A special dessert according to the taste of each family.
When all are gathered around the table, the mother lights the Pentecost candle which is placed either at the middle of the table or at one end.
This prayer accompanies the lighting:
Come O Holy Spirit comforter and Counsellor. Come enlighten this family of yours.
Fill us with your Holy power. Make our joy complete.
May our hearts be a fitting dwelling place for You Lord of Life.
Bless our gathering and nourish us in your service.
During the meal, the father begins a sharing about what was the most important message he heard at Mass that day. After him, everyone shares their thoughts about the message, or an experience of the Holy Spirit during that week or on the Sunday Mass.
After everyone has finished their sharing, the eldest child or mother pours some wine for each person.
The father/leader says: May this family be blessed, and may the Holy Spirit continue to empower us to be true witnesses to all that Jesus has taught us. Amen
After the meal, one of the younger children calls on everyone to hold hands and pray this prayer together:
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.
O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.
The celebration can then be continued as the family wishes, eg desserts, games, a movie etc.
Related article: Preparing for Mass on Pentecost Feast Day