Living a ‘good life’ caring for our common home
May 12, 2020
May 14th: A Father’s Love
May 12, 2020

May 13th: De Vine People

“I am the vine; you are the branches.”

John 15: 1- 8

One day  I was walking down St Vincent Street when I saw a parishioner whom I had not seen in ages.  I reminded her of how she had impacted on my faith journey and she was in shock.  Then, she began telling me of how her life fell apart. First her son died, then she got divorced. She  felt anger towards God, so she  just stopped going to church.  She said that she felt seeing me again was a sign from God that she should start back.

I saw her again  three years later. She told me that she started back attending Mass and had never been in a happier place in her life. She said, “ What I have learnt from my experience is  I was a branch unconnected so the further I moved away from God the less strength I had to persevere.  Now that I am connected again I can move mountains”.

Take today to reconnect with the  Father because you have much strength there.