In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, Bishop Clyde Harvey of St-George’s-in Grenada suggests the region should look inwards for solutions and be willing to sacrifice for country.
“As we move through and beyond COVID-19, it is not a question of looking to go somewhere else, it is not a question of looking outside for help to come,” he said at The Caribbean Theology Conference Today (CTCT) ‘Theological Reflections on COVID-19’ virtual forum held via Zoom, April 16, for CTCT members.
Citing Ezekiel 36: “I will resettle you on your own soil”, he added, “we must dare to want to be resettled by the Spirit of God on our own soil…but if we are to do that, we have to discover what our own soil is and be prepared to work it and even to die for it”. His presentation was titled ‘COVID-19 and the Pastorale’.
In the present uncertainty, Bishop Harvey called for Catholics to ask themselves what kind of Church they will have and not take it for granted there will be change.
“Our people are still watching EWTN morning, noon and night and the message coming from some of those sources is we must hold firm to the old Church because that is where we will find salvation beyond COVID”.
Bishop Harvey said he felt strongly that the Church in Grenada has to become a “Church of the poor”. He saw resistance to this because people have grown accustomed to assistance from external agencies. He estimated about EC$4 million in aid for the poor had come to the diocese.
“How do I reorganise or discern the call to the organisation, so we are more self-sufficient…that we are able to discern what we have, and build a Church around what we have?” said Bishop Harvey. He surmised the tourism sector would be impacted for “at least two years”.