An Earth Day unlike any other
April 22, 2020
Plain talk, heartburn & hope
April 23, 2020

April 23rd: One with him

He who is born of the earth is earthly himself.

John 3:31-36

At this time we have a great opportunity to reflect on the way we have conducted our living. What have we done to this civilization of love, that would have brought us to this point? We now have an opportunity from God to reflect on how we have acted on this earth and to bear witness to the one who was sent by God and speaks God’s own words. We have the opportunity to rethink our relationships with others, with the earthly creation, and allow the spirit to move in us and in our work unreservedly.
Our work must become one with him who is sent, to attest the truthfulness of God. Already the spirit is moving in those who are responding to care for those infected by the virus; by the landlords who provide rent relief to tenants; neighbours who are reaching out and groups that mobilize resources to provide food for the poor and vulnerable. We thank God for all these believers in the Son who bring life to others in this time of COVID-19.