The Son of Man must be lifted up as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert.
John 3:7-16
We are celebrating Easter, the risen Christ, and will do so until Pentecost. Easter is a time of great joy, celebrating liberation from sin and death, new life, new perspectives, new zeal, new will power, triumph over darkness and new and deeper relationship with the Trinity.
Yet, in these COVID-19 times people face fear, panic, worry, despair, lack of joy because we cannot gather. However, God speaks to us about heavenly or mystical things so we must cling to these and keep our eyes focused on Jesus and so have life and not death and darkness.
When the serpent stung the people in the desert God instructed Moses to make a bronze serpent for them to look at so they could live. God can turn bad into good. Let us turn this COVID-19 period into a life giving Easter period by how we focus on Jesus.
Lord Jesus, send your Spirit to fill us with Easter joy and instruct us how we can give life to events, people and situations during this time. Amen.