And they went out and proclaimed the good news everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by the signs that accompanied it.
Mark 16:20
Today, the Risen Christ gives, us, his followers a job and the power to perform it. He does not say it is an easy one! He says that we shall endure serpents, poisoned drinks, and sick people. However, he assures us that we will have the ability and power to handle all, though they might be tough. We shall be victorious over evil, ‘in his name’ and communicate in new ways. We are to remain humble and remain in relationship with him, so that we can be able to do these things ‘in his name.’
During this global pandemic, we witness many stories of the crucified Christ walking the earth in the person of his disciples. We hear heroic stories of first responders curing and caring for the sick, and of others reaching out to the poor, hungry, hopeless and homeless
On this feast of the great evangelist, St. Mark, let us reflect that we too are called to share in the mission of evangelization to a world in need.