April 2nd: The Word of God is Truth
March 31, 2020
Spiritual Baptist Liberation Day Greeting
March 31, 2020

April 3rd: Accused and condemned

More scandalous than their accusations of blasphemy was their inability to recognise good works and celebrate them.

John 10: 31 – 42. 

The Jews wanted to stone Jesus. They also wanted to stone the woman caught in adultery. (John 8: 1 – 11). They stoned Stephen. (Acts 7: 54 – 60). They stoned Paul in Lystra. (Acts 14: 19).

Stoning was the punishment for those who committed grave sins such as blasphemy and adultery. It seems that those who considered themselves righteous were always on hand and ready to stone Law breakers. In today’s gospel Jesus was the target.

Jesus defended himself by claiming good works. In his heart of hearts, he knew he was doing his Father’s work. So he challenged them to point out for which good work were they ready to stone him.

More scandalous than their accusations of blasphemy was their inability to recognise good works and celebrate them. It raises a question: Is it possible to become so closed that dislike or disapproval for a person makes us condemn even the good in them? Jesus was not being threatened for what he did but for who he was.