Jesus pointed out the chief thing which her case required: the necessity of immediate breaking off from her sin.
John 8: 1-11
In this passage we see a well-rehearsed plot to “test” Jesus with the idea of proving him false or inducing him to say something which would contradict his own teachings. This is something I am sure our children try from time to time.
Two lessons of great importance emerged for me: the power of conscience and the nature of true repentance.
Conscience is an important part of our inward man and plays a most prominent part in our spiritual history.
When Jesus said to the sinful woman, “Neither do I condemn you,” He dismissed her with the solemn words, “go and sin no more.” He did not merely say, “go home and repent.” Jesus pointed out the chief thing which her case required: the necessity of immediate breaking off from her sin.
Let us search and see whether we forsake sin and let us not rest until we can say in God’s sight, “I hate all sin, and desire to sin no more.”