In this moment of worldwide darkness and death, may His promise awaken belief, restore hope, bring the weak and fallen to their feet again.
John 11: 1-45
Today’s Gospel reminds us: new journeys begin when Jesus enters our lives. Martha abandoned her mourning and set out on a journey of hope. Doubtful at first, the disciples were soon willing to go to Jerusalem with Jesus, unafraid of the approaching sacrifice. Lazarus above all, freed from death’s embrace, returned to family, to community, to the open arms of the God of life.
Whether in error or misfortune, illness or the arrival of death with its burden of sadness and loss, we all know moments of darkness when we stumble or lose our way. Then we too learn to ‘count on His Word’, His promise made long ago to seek us out, to guide us and bring us safely home.
In this moment of worldwide darkness and death, may His promise awaken belief, restore hope, bring the weak and fallen to their feet again. May we have the faith and courage to return to our burial places and greet again the God who has power to transform our darkness into light, our sadness into joy, and death into life that lasts forever.