Neighbours call out to each other in this time of isolation and are rallying together.
John 5:1-3,5-16
Many people live with ailments, physical and spiritual, for long periods going to all kinds of healers in search of a cure, even turning to superstition. The paralytic lived for thirty eight years with this ailment waiting to get a chance to be bathed in the pool at the right time. But he is shown no solidarity by others who by-pass him all the time.
We see, in our society today, people panic buying leaving shelves empty, reaching the pool of Siloam before others. On the other hand we hear the voice of Jesus asking us, ‘Do you want to be well again?’ when neighbours call out to each other in this time of isolation and are rallying together to get one another through this lonely, isolated desert period in our lives. People are acting in love and solidarity with one another as Jesus did with the paralytic. We pray that we would be Jesus to those who cannot go to the grocery, who are shut-in, those in need of care and love.