A long letter has been sent by the Pope to address the most concerning issues of the world today. The effect of climate change on a global scale today is alarming with the rise in sea levels, melting of the ice caps, and rising global temperatures to name a few. It affects us all, man, animal and earth, because it is all connected.
St Francis of Assisi, the Saint patron of ecology, one day cried out, “Laudato Si’!” which means ‘praise to you, my Lord’. It is because of him we really appreciate what God has created.
During this retreat and beach clean-up, the Sixth Trinidad Sea Scouts of St Mary’s College learnt that God has a purpose for everyone. With the theme, Hear the cries of the earth, hear the cries of the poor, the important lesson was shared that caring for the earth is also caring for the poor because three quarters of the poor rely on agriculture for survival.
The scouts took time off their busy schedule and came to help however they can.
The initial step was cleaning Matura beach. With the laughter, lessons learnt, cherished moments and completed tasks, the Sixth Trinidad Sea Scouts returned home with more than just the satisfaction of cleaning Matura beach.
The Franciscan Institute, a ministry of the Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother, hosted a ‘Laudato Si’ Retreat February 29–March 1 in Matura. Participants joined Nature Seekers http://www.natureseekers.org/ for their annual Matura beach clean-up exercise on the Sunday. Sixteen-year-old retreatant, Masy Richards sent this report.