The Call on Canvas initiative, a collaborative effort with Generation S, the Catholic Youth Commission and Catholic Media Services Ltd (CAMSEL), has undoubtedly drawn out the creativity of our young people.
More than 30 young people (at the time of writing this column) have signed up to communicate a sample of biblical call stories through the medium of art.
Using creative expression, they would have painted, drawn, pencilled and airbrushed the call of the prophets, Mary, Joseph and apostles. In doing so, they would have had to pray and reflect on these call stories. This entire process is laden with all kinds of possibilities.
Artistic creativity has the effect of drawing out the best in us. Creative expression through art places us face to face with our inner selves and our best selves. What Call on Canvas has done is drawn out the best in our young people and placed that best self, that creative self, face to face with the Divine.
When our best selves and our creative selves meet the Divine, anything is possible because we see ourselves in God, and God in ourselves. We remember that we are made in God’s image and likeness and redeemed by Christ. At this meeting point, we can be most confident that we are sharing in the life of God, the great Creator par excellence.
Art reminds us that we are co-creators with God. Art reminds us that we are truly sons and daughters of a creative God. Everything about God is creative— Creation, Salvation and Sanctification. When we come to terms with the fact that we share in the divine life in such a profound way, anything could happen to us.
This realisation can become life-altering. We need intercession now for our young people and all young people, especially those who have signed up for Call on Canvas.
When they realise that they have had a moment of sharing in God’s life through art, they can have another moment of realisation that they can share in God’s life through the mission and ministry of the Church.
What’s next for these participants? Well, let’s pray for them that this spark of self-realisation may broaden their horizons. Let’s pray that they may see themselves sharing in not only creation through art, but also in the salvation and sanctification of God’s people through ordained and un-ordained ministry.
—Vocation Recruitment Team