The Preysal Prayer group held its annual Advent Crusade and crèche opening on Sunday, December 1 on the compound of Elahie’s Supermarket, Preysal Junction. The message was on point with the scripture from Matthew 24:37 “So stay awake because you do not know when your master will return”. This was an important message as many seem engrossed with Christmas preparations or the electioneering, unconcerned just like the days of Noah before the flood.
References were made of His first coming as the crèche bears visual remembrance to this. Many drivers slowed down to look at the Nativity scene. It is such a simple yet amazing setting for the King of the universe.
Many also slowed down thinking we were a political meeting. It was difficult to discern as we had on so many different colours!
Jesus came to save all regardless of race, age, gender, financial standing or political affiliation. So, for this season let us vote for Jesus to take charge of our hearts, for He is the true wonder counsellor.
—Gregory Quan Kep, Preysal Prayer Group. Photos: Dale Ramberan