What have you done for Jesus lately? LUKE 23:35–43
By Sr Sarah Waterman, O Carm
“As for the leaders, they jeered at him.”
How many times have we jeered at Christ? The modern world presents us with so many opportunities to jeer at Christ, and sadly we have not failed in taking up these opportunities.
How many times do we pass our neighbour on the street without lending a helping hand? Or even not saying ‘Good morning’ or ‘Good evening, how are you today?’. We have forgotten those simple acts of kindness: to hand the construction worker a glass of water as he labours to fix our driveway, or even the street on which we live.
Do we pay attention to the mentally ill homeless man on the street who may need a bottle of water? Have we checked on the elderly lady down the street who has no-one to care for her? Maybe she may need lunch one Sunday.
Have we offered the elderly lady a ride from church on Sunday morning after Mass? Have we trained our children to be grateful for the contribution of our grandparents and all those who toiled in the vineyard to give us a foundation in society today?
Have we done our Christian duty of recognising the face Christ in all those we meet, from families to the homeless gentleman on the street and even respect for the dead?
These are just but a few ways in which we have jeered at Christ every single day of our lives, without even recognising it. The face of Christ should be seen in all of us from the cradle to grave.
The gospel reading shows how Jesus was stripped of His dignity for our sins; it shows us how dark we are. Throughout the gospel passage there is no retaliation from this “king of the Jews”. He remained silent and vulnerable, embracing His cross. But like the thief of compassion, we are reminded that all is not lost.
And sometimes, if not at all times, we must remember to say in spite of our failings: “Jesus remember me when you come into your Kingdom” and be comforted by the words “today you will be with me in paradise”.
As we close one liturgical year of the Church and prepare to embark on another, let us utilise the season of Advent as a time of reflection and an opportunity to be different, a time to be sensitive to the needs of others and also to be sensitive to the needs of our own family members with whom we live and often times take for granted.
Our King Jesus Christ has given Himself for us, what have we done for Him? What have we done with the life this King died for?
Brothers and sisters, in a world that is filled with darkness, be the light of Christ to everyone you meet. Even if it’s a smile while walking on the street.
The simple acts of kindness, we take for granted. For example, instead of bolting out the bank, hold the door for the person after you, say ‘thank you’ to the janitor cleaning the floor at the mall; show appreciation to everyone you meet. We can all use words of inspiration and love; these simple things must not be taken for granted. “Whatsoever you do to the least of brothers, that you do unto Me.”
Happy Feast of Christ the King!
The gospel reflections for November were by the religious sisters of the Corpus Christi Carmelite community which is celebrating 100 years of service to Trinidad and Tobago this month.