See the face of Christ in the poor
November 15, 2019
Amazing witnesses and a legacy of love
November 18, 2019

33rd Sunday in OT (C)

All things are passingLUKE 21:5–19

By Sr Clare Marie Nero O Carm

“Your endurance will win you your lives”. These words at the end of today’s gospel give us believers the challenge that we must follow the path our Master, Jesus, set out for us. We must live out our Catholic faith in our daily lives in a world that proclaims values contrary to gospel values.

Many people are caught up with the glitz and glamour of what we see on TV and social media. Others shudder at the nightly news on our television and the newspapers. We are painfully aware of the violence in our country and the world around us. It seems as though we are in the ‘end times’, and the closing of the liturgical year places before us the gospel readings where Jesus is warning us of what is expected.

In some of our workplaces, Christian values are not celebrated as some workers are dishonest and are not welcoming to those who they are paid to serve; others do not work productively for their schedule time. Many times, when we are confronted with this kind of behaviour we are afraid to voice or challenge this situation or even do not have the right words to express our opinion and stand up for what is right.

These are times we need to call on the Holy Spirit so that we can remember the words of Jesus: “I myself shall give you an eloquence and wisdom that none of your opponents will be able to resist or contradict”.  As Christians we must continue to live the message of Jesus who is “kind and gentle of heart”, but who will always stand up for what is right and just.

This gospel’s reading is certainly relevant for the era in which we live as it outlines the challenges that the Christian will experience. The reading also reminds us that Our Lord and Master Jesus is in charge of our lives. He will never leave us alone as we continue to bear witness to the values of the gospel.

It is the assurance of Jesus’ promise in the gospel that allowed the great Carmelite Saint Teresa of Avila to write:

“Let nothing disturb you

Let nothing make you afraid

All things are passing

God alone never changes

Patience gains all things

If you have God, you will want for nothing

God alone suffices”.

Therefore, like the great saint let us rely on the words of Jesus in this gospel and live our Catholic faith in our everyday lives.  Remember that Our God will be with us always and help us to endure to the end.


The gospel reflections for November are by the religious sisters of the Corpus Christi Carmelite community which is celebrating 100 years of service to Trinidad and Tobago this month.