Corpus Christi College celebrated its Diamond Jubilee (60th anniversary) September 8. This milestone was marked on Wednesday, September 11 with the celebration of Holy Mass, at St John the Evangelist RC Church, Diego Martin, followed by a reception on the College grounds.
The chief celebrant was Archbishop Jason Gordon who concelebrated with Frs Christopher Lumsden (parish priest), Garfield Rochard, Harold Imamshah and Hasely King O Carm, a former teacher. We were also privileged to have Deacons Mike Smith, Derek Walcott and Mikkel Trestrail assisting at the Mass.
At the celebration, His Grace reminded the congregation of the special call and vocation of the college to serve the youth through sound Catholic Education.
He noted that Catholic Education was not only about academic achievements, but also about instilling the value of what it truly means to be good Catholic Christians and well-rounded citizens in the home, the community, at school and by extension, the nation.
He also reminded teachers and other members of staff, that it is by their lives and their positive examples, that vocations to serve within the Church will arise, be it to religious life, single life or married life, thus perpetuating good Catholic family life for continuity in the growth of the Church. In other words, teachers in Catholic schools have a major responsibility and duty.
Following the celebration of Holy Mass, there was a reception on the college compound which was tastefully decorated for the occasion. Anna-Maria Garcia-Brooks brought greetings on behalf of the past students of Corpus Christi College.
The school was then re-consecrated to our Blessed Mother, the first consecration having occurred in 1984 by Fr Gervais Girod CSSp. Fr Lumsden then laid the plaque at the Grotto of Our Lady during the Prayer of Consecration which was led by the Archbishop.
The ceremonious event saw many of the participants and well-wishers enthused, as students released a giant balloon made into the form of a blue and white rosary into the evening’s sky just after the end of the Prayer of Consecration. This was accompanied by the singing of ‘To God be the Glory’ by Andre Walker.
Finally, the students sang the school song ‘Corpus Christi College’, after which the guests were invited to partake of a sumptuous meal. The celebration ended with toe-tapping, crowd-moving entertainment provided by members of the Trinidad & Tobago Coast Guard Music Band and presentations made to Archbishop Gordon, and the Spiritan Fathers, in appreciation for their role in the establishment of the school.
A special presentation was also made to Rev Trestrail, a former student and teacher of the college, in honour of his anticipated Ordination to the Priesthood on September 14.
—Members of teaching staff
Editor’s Note: The release of balloons has a detrimental impact on land and sea animals and birds. Deflated balloons are fatally ingested and the string tying the balloons together entangle animals. Balloons should remain tethered.