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Christmas fun for the family at Santa Claus Parade

The annual Grant-a-Wish Foundation Santa Claus Parade takes place on Sunday, November 17 at the Queen’s Park Savannah (opposite NAPA) at 3 p.m.

Described by organisers as the most magical and heart-warming fun event of the year for the entire family, this year’s parade will be filled with fun and excitement. The theme Let there be Peace on Earth and Let it Begin with Me will be portrayed through costumed angels with white helium-filled dove balloons and a release of white birds at the end of the parade.

Included in the parade are a live Nativity, clowns, costumed characters, medieval maidens, elves and Santa’s sleigh.

Our protective services continue to lend tremendous support to this community event as members of the Mounted Branch of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service ride as King Arthur’s Knights of the Round Table, The Three Musketeers and perhaps Robin Hood.

Supporting this team musically are the marching bands of the Trinidad and Tobago Cadet Force and the St Patrick’s Brigade.

At the final destination, the Queen’s Park Savannah (opposite Whitehall), wishes are granted to our very special children, with entertainment of Christmas songs, Broadway excerpts and Soca Parang. To continue the fun, Carnival games with prizes, bouncy castles, archery, face-painting, balloons and more beckon the kids.

Christmas treats await as our food stalls serve pastelles, hot dogs, wings and fries, bake and shark, cakes, popcorn with a non-alcoholic drinks bar.

The Grant-a-Wish Foundation grants wishes to kids between the ages 3–17 years who suffer with life-threatening illnesses. To date, 52 wishes have been granted inclusive of three wishes to children from Grenada.

For further information, please visit the Facebook page ‘grant-a-wish foundation Santa Claus parade’ or call 678-1968.